Search Results for: gluten-free

Gluten-Free bakeries in Minneapolis plus a gem that delivers nationwide

Gluten-Free bakeries in Minneapolis plus a gem that delivers nationwide

Can you believe the progress that’s been made for gluten-free baked goods everywhere? And all the gluten-free eaters just said AMEN! As someone who struggled with chronic health issues for years before being diagnosed with Celiac disease, it’s been such a delight to discover local gluten-free bake shops as well as mail-order gluten-free bakeries that…

Best gluten-free recipes for Easter and spring
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Best gluten-free recipes for Easter and spring

While I grew up with Easter bunny baskets and egg hunts, there were also the new dresses and white sandals and the sunrise church service, all before 8 a.m. From there, we’d take part in a continental breakfast followed by another church service and a large family gathering for Easter lunch – all in one…

Gluten-free Groceries: How I Keep my Pantry Stocked!

Gluten-free Groceries: How I Keep my Pantry Stocked!

It hasn’t always been this easy to keep my pantry stocked with delicious food my family loves. As someone with a gluten allergy, I’m always reading labels and multi-sourcing where I can shop for gluten-free groceries. Besides looking for Celiac safe labels and assurances, I also care about unnecessary fillers, added sugars, organic when possible,…

Gluten-Free Thanksgiving Recipes
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Gluten-Free Thanksgiving Recipes

Perhaps you saw me numbering things on my Instagram story last week. Well, that’s just us making and eating a Thanksgiving dinner one day at a time over here. Wait, why don’t we do this every November? S-p-r-e-a-d out this massive meal and enjoy the parts? Since I wasn’t hosting this November holiday and had…

gluten-free blueberry scones with lemon glaze
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gluten-free blueberry scones with lemon glaze

This family-favorite scone was initially born out of a suitcase of freshly pickled lemons hauled back from California. Hold on, Minnesotans. Can you even imagine having a lemon tree in your backyard? Cue some tears, me neither, but it sure sounds dreamy. Seems fitting that nine years later, I’d revamp this recipe for gluten-free blueberry…